Not Rated, 90 minutes
Directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal, 2023, United States

What if charity could be transformed from a gesture to an answer--to solving the world’s greatest problems? What if everything we’ve been taught about charitable giving is wrong? What if it’s undermining the very causes, we love the most? UnCharitable is a one-of-a-kind movie that shows how our charitable traditions and prejudices have suffocated the charitable sector and prevented it from leading the charge to truly change the world. Based on the book, “Uncharitable,” by Dan Pallotta, which became one of the most talked-about TED talks of all time--changing everything from charity watchdog standards to the giving practices of America’s biggest foundations--UnCharitable follows the stories of four iconic American charitable efforts that were crippled or destroyed by old ideas.

Auditorium - Museum of Art
Thursday, March 07, 2024 05:00 pm
Price: $0.00 / Member Price: