Art Alive! is free and open to the public during school breaks!
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Art Alive! family days at Munson include art-making activities, free performances and workshops, special guests, and a family-friendly menu at the Terrace Cafe.

Jack Frost, Snow Kidding
11 a.m. - Performance
1 p.m. - Clowning Workshop

David Engel embodies the famous sprite, Jack Frost, using his signature style of eccentric clowning, and “immersive” full-audience participation. Peppered with a mashup of eye-popping puppetry, amazing brain and body challenges, musical bell chimes, delightful bubble-play, adept magic, and a madcap cartoon-like sound effects, Jack Frost: Snow Kidding drums up holiday cheer in this engaging family variety show.

Art Alive! Jack Frost
Auditorium - Museum of Art
Thursday, December 28, 2023 10:00 am
Price: $0.00 / Member Price: