Discover the soothing power of music with acclaimed pianist Robin Spielberg in her transformative concert program dedicated to wellness and anxiety relief. Renowned for her emotive and graceful performances, Robin Spielberg seamlessly blends her musical artistry with a deep understanding of the therapeutic effects of music. Spielberg performs a thoughtfully curated selection of compositions, each piece chosen to promote relaxation, mindfulness, and emotional well-being. Interwoven with her mesmerizing piano performance, Spielberg shares personal insights and stories about the profound impact music can have on mental health. She explores how music can be a powerful tool in managing stress and anxiety, offering practical tips and techniques that audience members can incorporate into their own lives.

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Promotion for workshops is underwritten by B Sharp Musical Club


Robin Spielberg: Music and Mental Health
Auditorium - Museum of Art
Saturday, September 28, 2024 07:30 pm
Price: $0.00 / Member Price: $0.00
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